Fanny loved her oldest brother, Gus. In her diary, she makes notes about his quiet personality and controversial career. Gus chose a career in the military and fought in the Mexican American War and the Frontier Wars. The Sewards, especially Frances, disapproved of this choice. Gus did not write very much when he was out west, and he later came to Washington to be a paymaster in the Civil War. He never married and never had children. If Fanny had remained unmarried and lived longer, she may have become closer with her bachelor brother.
“she asked me to come and spend the evening with her daughter “Sarah,” there were to be a few friends there. Invited me to “bring a beau”...I asked Augustus, he said he would take me there, leave me, and call for me again–he is very averse to society, and never goes out.” Jan 20, 1863
Gus’ signature in Fanny’s autograph book c. 1855
Dear Gusy, I have a beautiful little, live, white, kitten and a pretty little China Dog — the name of my kitten is Franky Burke — Pa and I take a walk every day sometimes before breakfast — To day we waited dinner until 6 o clock for Father, he has not come yet and it is now 7 — Mother is reading some Danish stories to me — I like them very much & wish you could hear them — I read every day to Mother & have read 28 pages in my Lesson book — I spell too — I love to read This is one of my lessons— “I can see a cat— I can see a kit — The kit is not as big as the cat is — The cat can run — the kit can run — Can the kit see? Yes and the cat can see the kit — & the cat & the kit can see us — Is the kit as old as the cat is? No — The kit is not as old as the cat is” — Mother read your letter for me to day — I wanted to know whether you had seen the Queen — I should like to see her myself — Give my love to Clarence I have a pretty wax doll here — I wish you could write me a little letter — Your affectionate sister Fanny — Sept 23, 1850
Letter from Fanny to Augustus, Sept 23, 1850, (University of Rochester, Seward Family Project Archives)
Augustus c. 1862