Will Jr. was the longest living Seward child, eventually passing in 1920. After enjoying a happy and mischievous childhood, the youngest son tried his hand at managing his family’s money. He found success and decided to begin a banking career. He married Janet, or Jenny Watson, and had three children over the span of 18 years. Will was the only Seward son to fight in the Civil War, and he was an officer in the Battles of Monocacy and Cold Harbor. After barely escaping capture and showing bravery at Monocacy, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. After the war, he continued a long banking career, and managed a firm that later merged to become American Express. He inherited the family home in Auburn and oversaw many of the modern renovations into the 20th century. He named both of his daughters after his sisters that passed away before him.
Nellie, Will Jr., Will III, Janet Seward, c. 1878