Grandpa Miller was the original head of the Miller/Seward home in Auburn. His impact on his family was felt long after his death in 1851. Because Fanny was the youngest Seward child to be born, she was quite young when her grandpa passed. However, she mentioned him a few times in her diary in a very positive light. Whether this opinion of him was based on her 7-year-old memories or her family member’s stories is unclear. In his younger years, Judge Miller was a large force in the community. He helped to establish and fund some of the first businesses and churches in the village of Auburn. He also helped to lay the plans for Auburn Prison. He was a lawyer and a judge and hired Seward to be a junior partner at his law firm. His wife passed away very young, and he raised his daughters and their children well for many decades. Miller established Fort Hill Cemetery and was the first person buried in the now historic site. Fanny thought of her grandpa in a very respectable light, as did everyone else in her family.
“after comparing him [Augustus] to my grandfather Miller told her about the latter. He [Seward] spoke of him as the greatest man he ever saw–I wish I could remember his description of him–his sense, his judgement & his remarkable diffidence told some of his characteristics–his never making a speech, etc. Then he said a good deal about Augustus–his excellent judgement–and the retirement in which he always kept himself.” Oct 13, 1863
Judge Elijah Miller