Carte de visite of Robert Lincoln.

Robert Lincoln

Robert Lincoln was the eldest son of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln and the only child to live into adulthood. He served as Secretary of War under Presidents Garfield and Arthur and was closely linked to three presidential assassinations. He was a year older than Fanny, and when they met at a few Washington parties, she clearly felt positively about the son of her father’s best friend.

“Fred introduced to me a young gentleman, as “Mr. Lincoln”--as I had heard that Robert Lincoln was in town I knew if must be he. I talked some time with him. He is ready and easy in conversation, having, I fancy, considerable humor in his composition. He told some very amusing anecdotes of his little scapegrace brother, “Tad,” concerning his doings with an old gentleman “of the colored persuasion” etc.--He–(R.L.) is much shorter than his father–with a look, however, about his face which reminded me of Mr. L, but he is quite well looking, a good, strong face, rather than a handsome one. He is at the same time at ease and unassuming Robert Lincoln rather than the son of the President of the United States. Agreeable, good-natured and intelligent, I should say.” Feb 12, 1863

Robert Todd Lincoln, Mathew Brady Studio, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution c. 1864