A black and white photograph of Kate Chase standing in a hall.

Salmon and Kate Chase

Salmon Chase was the Secretary of the Treasury in Lincoln’s cabinet, positioned closely with Fanny’s father. After this, he became the Chief Justice of the United States. He started the national banking system and printed paper currency, which we all use today. Kate Chase was his daughter, and one of the biggest socialites in Washington during the Civil War. She was well known for her beauty, fashion, and hosting skills.

Fanny mentioned Mr. and Miss Chase multiple times in her diary. Her comments on Kate are especially interesting, as she repeatedly commented on how beautiful she is. One cannot help but wonder if shy Fanny felt a bit envious as a similarly-aged girl at the same parties. Of course, Fanny would have never said such a thing in her diary, and her words about Kate were always positive and complimentary.

“I liked Miss Chase very much, she is very pretty, beautiful eyes & long silken lashes, both are dark, her hair light & wavy–a sweet voice–a fine figure dressed in excellent taste–a drab ottoman cloth, perfectly fitting & the grave color set off by a dainty scarlet cravat bow–She seemed pleasant & good natured–She has a turned up nose; & what would disfigure almost any one else, is a beauty with her.” Apr 9, 1862

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-cwpbh-00855