Colored portrait of Seward, Eduard de Stoeckl and other men making the Alaska deal in the State Department.

The de Stoeckl Family

Baron Eduard de Stoeckl was the Russian Minister to the United States and negotiated the Alaska Purchase deal with Fanny’s father in 1867. In order to reach this momentous occasion, the de Stoeckls and the Sewards needed to build a strong friendship and professional relationship. Although Fanny did not live to see the Alaska Purchase, she was very familiar with the de Stoeckl family and their parties.

“I went with Fred to a party at Madame Stoeckl’e, with Fred. The house is charming for an evening entertainment. Oval rooms cluster round a circular hall. The stair way hidden by a fall of lace. Above the hall is a narrow gallery from which you look down upon the other, in the center of which was a pyramid of exquisite flowers. The rooms were handsomely draped, and decorated with rich flowers. Mr and Mme Stoeckl received in the red parlor. Madame wore a moiree antique, white with small flower pattern in clusters…A house could scarcely be more charming in its arrangements for entertaining than that of the Stoeckls.” Feb 19, 1863